Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Jocelyn

    Hi Roland!

    My 8 yr old son and I are just about to finish Tentacles…actually last night I brought it downstairs and finished it myself so I could see what happened!! We will be looking forward to the sequel soon:)

  • Luke

    Awesome book! I finished it nearly an hour ago and loved it! I’m glad I didn’t have to wait another great book for the dinosaur eggs to hatch, but I wouldn’t mind it.
    Very cool, Luke.

  • Matthew

    I finished Tentacles in 4 days! Unfortunately, I didn`t read Cryptid Hunters before Tentacles. But I will be looking forward to the third book.

  • alisha

    i just got done with Cryptid Hunters and i loved it now im waiting for my school to get Tentacles, but for now im reading Thunder Cave and Sasquatch!!! By the way Sasquatch was a good read too!!

  • Nicole

    I finished tentacles just a few minutes ago and now its killing me to know what happens! i am going to be makeing up imaginary books for a long time just to settle my curiosity about what happens next. Wow, this is going to be a long wait!

  • allie white

    i have just finnished reading tentacles..
    it was a very good book!! i figured that there would be a 3 book because it just stoped and didn’t tell you what happened to grace, marty, luther, wolfe, marty’s parents, noah blackwood, or anybody in the story for that matter of fact and usually if it is the last book in a series it will tell you what happened to the characters after the events stoped so i figured there had to be another book… i really like grace and marty’s story it REALLY is a good book!!!!! i love reading roland smith books because they keep you going and the action never stops and you can never put the books down!!! i have almost read every single roland smith book out there and i need another to keep me satisfied!!

  • Steven

    Just read tentacles, great book and a really thrilling plot. I hope you get the next book at soon.

  • Dominic

    tentacles was the best book ive ever read but unfotunetly i read tentacles befor i got a chance to read cryptid hunters, but i am currently reading it and its AWSOME!!!!!!

  • jojo

    LOve Youre books read tentecals and criptid hunters both in three school days books are amazing cant wait for the third one!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rebeccca

    I just finished Tentacles. I read Cryptid Hunters when it first came out and I have to say that the long wait for Tentacles was worth it!! I can’t wait for the third book to come out!

  • Becky

    Tentacles was so thrilling! I love the way you weave in factual information, such as about the wildlife, with the action-packed fictional events. It’s easy to see you put a lot reseach into your books. Thanks for such a great book!

  • Ryan

    Tentacles was an awesome book!! although my favorite book you wrote is Peak which my mom is reading right now IQ is great too. I hope you write more of all your books i have never read one i did not like!!!!!!

  • nick t

    i read both books and zachs lies in less then a week loved them all!! new favorite aurthor fer sher! cant wait to read more books by you thanks!

  • Matthew

    I have read all of your young adult books and they are all amazing!!! I think Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles are the best books you have written! When I found out that you were making a sequel to Cryptid Hunters, I couldn’t wait until September. When I read Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles for I can’t put them down. I finished Tentacles in 3 days. I have both books twice. You are my favorite author. I say Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles should be made into movies. I say that everyone should read Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles.

  • Meg

    Wow. I just finished reading “Tentacles” nearly moments ago…What can I say? No other book series comes in comparison with yours ! A while ago I dropped out of the reading loop hole, but once I disovered the sequel to Cryptid Hunters, I ended up reading Tentacles within about 4 1/2 hours straight. I’m so excited to hear that there is another book coming out ! I can hardly wait and don’t know what I will do with myself in the time being with out another one of your page-turning books. Thank you for putting your brilliant thoughts down on to paper and publishing them ! Your books really have encouraged lots to read. Good luck writing, we’re all anticipating the next book!


    One of your biggest fans. – Meg

  • Jonna

    Let me just say, that i LOVE Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles. When i had first seen Cryptid Hunters, i never thought i would read it but my aunt had gotten me Tentacles and told me to read Cryptid Hunters first because she didn’t know if i read it yet. Well i had checked it out from my school library and started reading it and couldn’t put it down! it took me two days to read Cryptid Hunters and about five days to read Tentacles (i finished it about an hour ago). i was a bit surprised that Grace decided to go with Noah Blackwood, but then i figured out why she did it. i wont say anymore in case someone hasn’t read the book, reads this comment, though. When should the third book be coming out? I really want to know. Mainly because i want to know what happens to Grace, but still, WHEN IS IT COMING OUT?!?!?!?!

  • Katelyn

    hey I just finished Tentacles and the end was just begging for a sequel so it is good to know there will be a sequel oh and by the way Tentacles is on my favorite book list it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Kelli

    I can not wait until next book comes out! I really want to know what Blackwood is really like! Make sure the the book comes out before Christmas, because everybody will be wanting it for Christmas. Will be making stories of my own during the wait.

  • Brian

    Oh my gosh i just finished Tentacles. I read Cryptid Hunters when I was in the 3rd Grade. I saw Tentacles and Immediately knew i had to have it. I read it in 2 hours. BEST book ever!!!!!!!

  • Zach Y.

    Roland, loved your book! I read Cryptid Hunters when it first came out at my school book fair, and whenever I was bored, I’d read it over, and over, and over, and over! Been waitin for Tentacles and a sequel for just as long! Cryptid Hunters was the book that first got me interested in Mysteries and whatnot.

    Zach Yale

  • ally

    great! i am so excited! i just finished the book 5 mins. ago! it was awesome!!! the ending left me hanging, and now i know i will be able to find out what happens next!! 🙂

  • Anne

    I just finished “Tentacles” and I can’t wait for the next book I hope it’s out within a couple of months. (will it be sometime this year?) Please Reply.

  • Julia

    Thanks for that info I finished Tentacles 3 days ago and it was great! I’m so glad there will bgea 3rd book I’m looking forward to reading it! THe ending was so surprising!

  • Aly

    both Tenticals and crypted hunters were great!!I finished tenticals in only 2 days.i cant wait till’ the 3rd!!!!!!!!:>

  • brennen

    yo what up sorry for my hrible spelling but i really really liked your books cryptd hunters, and tenticals and read the first in just over a day and the other in just over 12 hours ya i know i suprised my self and as many others have said i can not wait till the theird book comes out (I think your thired book should be about the chupacabra or yeti or lchness monster o and of coors getting grace back) thankyou for writeing the book i hope you think about my suggestion

  • Lauren

    Hi Roland!
    I just finished reading Tentacles after a three hour reading bout. I loved it! Your books are amazing! I can’t wait for the third book!!! 😀

  • Madi m

    i LOVE Criptid Hunters! i read it for mark twain in 3 days i just finished Tenticals i loved the ending. You are my fav. auther

  • Wade

    My friend reccomended me Cryptid Hunters and i hadn’t finished a book in a while well that was my good read and i’m almost finished with tentacles keep writing more Cryptos based books they’re AWESOME 5 out of 5 rating!!!!

  • Charlotte

    HI!!!! I’ve read and re-read Cryptid Hunters TONS of billions of time! And I read tentacles in around three hours (tops) and neglected my chores and screamed at the cliff hanger. Soooooo . . . I CAN’T wait for your next boook in the series!!!! I LOVE Cryptid Hunters!!! And I’m about to re-read it . . . again . . .
    I LOVE your books!

    -Charlie (Charlotte)

  • Logan

    please get the sequil to TENTACLES out soon I’m dying in suspence here!!!!


  • Ashley

    Oh My Gosh! I Read Cryptid Hunters AND Tentacles In 2 Days!! Need To Read The Next One SO Bad! I Really Want To Learn More About Noah Blackwood!

  • Wilson (9)

    I am very glad that you are writing a sequel to Tentacles because if this was the last book it would leave everyone in a bad mood because of the ending. So please hurry up with the next book!!! I need another one bad, because they’re soooooooooooo good! I’m clamoring for a sequel!

  • Grace

    I love all your books! I could not believe how you left this book in such a cliffhanger, and think that you should have waited to publish Tentacles with the 3rd book so I could read it right when I finished Tentacles. Hope your a fast writer! I have loved all your books, and my friends and I all trade the ones we have with each other, and haven’t been disappointed in any of then so far. I truly can’t believe all the wonderfully written books I have read by you, and don’t think I could ever write a book as good as you!

  • Hailey

    I love your “Cryptid Hunters”, “Tentacles”, and “I,Q: Independence Hall”! I finished Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles (easily since they were so good!)in one day (seperately btw.)I CANNOT WAIT until you release the 3rd one in the series! PLEASE write it quickly!

  • Lauren

    i can’t belive that other poeople like cryptids too (:
    my grade (5th) didn’t even read Cryptid Hunters(which i read 3 times) and they were all saying “I’m getting the Tentacles book” if you asked them what they were getting from our school bookfair(which for some reason were only having 1 this year. we used to have 2)
    Tentacles was a long awaited sequel!!!

  • Amanda

    omg i just finished Tentacles in 1 night it was so amazing i just cant wait for the sequal. my whole family is reading it but i started it and this will be an amzing book. cant wait to see what will go on in the book