Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Sydney

    Love these books… I didn’t really think there would be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters, but there is and it was great!! I read Cryptid Hunters nearly 3 yrs ago. So when I found out there was a sequel I bought both books and reread Cryptid Hunters. Thank you for the great read and I’m looking forward to the next one to come out!!!

  • Cammie

    I Love Love LOVE these books!!!!!!!!!!! u’ll probably see me on here saying how much longer how much longer until i get the answer the book is out!!!

  • Bear

    I just finished the book like ten minutes ago and i just want to say it was amazing. Im just wondering i you can tell me the meaning of the manuscript grace gets for her bday. Do you have the info?

  • carrie

    Thank you so much for the exciting books you create. As a teacher and aspiring young adult author, you are an inspiration. My students are currently reading Jack’s Run in class and they cannot wait to see how it ends. I just finished Tentacles last night, and I can’t believe you left us there!! I am counting the days til a sequel comes out. Wolfe needs to get Grace back! I can hope. I just hope that one day I can write books that inspire kids to read more and can leave the reader craving more of the story as well as you do.

  • Sara

    I loved Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles! Sasquatch was really great too! I am considering becoming a cryptozoologist because of these books! I can’t wait for the third book…and any books after the third!

  • joshua

    how come your bvooks don’t have any illastrations,they are still good but i want to know what the characters look like.

  • Nathan

    Hey love your books recently finished tentacles and cryptid hunters i also read abooutjack and his life being turned upside down you have inspired me and who knows maybe i will become an author some day but my books will never be as good as yours

  • Harrison Ryan

    I have been dying to know if Grace comes back after she is captured by Noah Blackwood. I would like to know Grace’s grandmother is and if they do get the dinosaur eggs back, but I do remember Grace won’t leave unless she finds out about her true grandfather

  • mattie

    ive read the cryptid hunters series at least 3 times and keep waiting for the new book. id love to know if grace stays with noah or what exciting thing will happe next. my friend and i were saying it would be cool if grace was like a spy when shes with noah so she could give her dad and marty updates on what noah’s doing!!!

  • Billy

    Hey roland, just finished Cryptid Hunters, best book ever. I just ordered tentacles, its on it way here right now. I look forward to reading it and hoping the 3rd book will come out very soon!

  • Daniel

    The next book ( or a differant sequel) should include one of my favrorites the Loch Ness Monster or the Chupacabra.

  • summer

    i read all your comments that the people sent you, you must be very paciant because i would have been annoyed with the people asking the same questins over and over but i loved cripted hunters and tentacles:)

  • V

    I loved this book! Just finished it a minute ago, it’s amazing! I’m really really excited about the next book, why do you have to leave us with a cliffhanger! Haha, but I loved this book! Keep up the good work!

  • Ryan

    I love your books so much! I have almost every one of them. I have had many nearly-sleepless nights staying up reading your books. when i go out i always take one of them with me to read. My favorite series is the cryptid hunters saga. I was wondering what your favorite series (or even single book) is that you have wrote?

  • book lover #15867

    i just LOVE your books tentacles and cryptid hunters and i cant wait for the third! i cant believe that they didnt even give you a nobel prize or something…
    you definetly beat rick riodan, one of my favorite authors, by a mile

  • Kyla

    What year will the next book (after tentacles) come out? also, do you think it would be later in the year? winter? summer? i cant wait. tentacles is my favorite book

  • Kyla

    What year will the next book (after tentacles) come out? also, do you think it would be later in the year? winter? summer?

  • Brooke(biggest fan)!!

    Hey Roland,IM SO EXCITED FOR THE SEQUEL!!I absolutely,positively love and is addicted to ALL of the books i read that were written by you.I especially love the Marty and Grace and the whole Cryptos Island series!When I found tentacles in our school library my friends thought I was a weirdo because i got super excited.When i read your books i get sad when I get to the end and I read Tentacles and Cryptid Hunters in less than 48 hours!I Hope you keep writing alot more books for me(and all your other fans)to enjoy!
    Sincerly,your biggest fan,Brooke

    p.s,thanks so much if you read this:)

  • Brianna

    hello! it has been quite long since i made a comment! but i would like to say that i have sent you an email and i hope you get it and this message, but, i’m a slow reader but only to understand how things are going in the book, and i am glad i read slow on the cryptid hunters series, i didnt want it to end. i read more then 20 books a year and my mother reads about 160 a year! but only because she’s a fast reader, understands more quickly, and just loves to read, i just want to ask if you now what your title to the third book of cryptid hunters series is? i have been waiting for about 2 and a half years for it to come out. sorry about the questions on bottom!

    – brianna
    p.s do you think the cryptid hunters series is good? have you ever read your books more then once? is it hard to publish your books? how long does it take to publish it when a books done?

  • Brianna

    I forgot to right this … has an author ever taken any of your ideas? or gave ideas? like your wife for instance.

  • Suzume

    I read one of your comments! Theres going to be a fourth book to the Cryptid Hunters series too!?

  • brandon kilzer

    all i can say is i love all ur books especialy the cryptid hunter series it is driving me crazy to know how Grace is going to get back to Wolfe and how this is going to affect their relationship and what next Dr.Blackwood has up his sleeve for the Cryptos gang so plz when u find out let us know Mr.Roland

    Brandon Kilzer

  • Junior

    Hey Ronald i finsished crypid hunter,Great book,and tentacles IS great so far. Great job dude!

  • Austin A.

    Hi I have heard rumors but I wanted to find out if it’s true is there going to be a cryptid hunters movie and I’d just like to say your books are amazing