Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • John

    My son and I just finished Tentacles and we are anxious for more. I am happy to see you are continuing. Will be on the lookout for the “threequel” and then some. Keep up the good work.

  • roland Post author

    There will be four. The third will be out in 2012. While you’re waiting I hope you and you son get to read some of my other books.

  • James

    JUST finished tentacles and can’t wait for the third book to come out… that time better be soon,I hope!!! But tommarow is QUEST day, and my teacher should have Sasquatch.

  • nico

    I cant wait till the 3rd cryptid hunters to come out! Literally! I read the whole harry potter series in a month when i was in 2nd grade! im in 5th grade now, so you can imagine how fast i read now!

  • kaine

    omg omg im 11 and i finished tenticals and cryptid hunters i cant belive grace is captured:( i need book 3 i need it plz mr smith asap

  • nico

    Im reading

    peak right now while im waiting on the next cryptid hunter book and its pretty good so far! Of course im only on page 37 so im not really sure.

  • Alia G.

    ~I couldn’t put Cryptid Hunters or Tentacles out until I finished them!!! If there is one thing I hate about being a fast reader is that the books go by too fast, cant wait 4 the third book, they are all amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Brandon

    Dear Roland Smith,

    Your books are extremely creative and I like how you add in technological devices and facts to go along with the two books “Cryptid Hunters” and “Tentacles”. I have not read any other book from you besides those two but I will search for some in my school’s library!

  • lauren

    hay roland this is your biggest fan. you saw me march 23 2011. well i love all your books they rock. I just got tenticals and am on chapter 3 it rocks out loud. well bye!!

  • joshua

    I love your books and hate waitting but your books are sooooooooooooooo good that ill wait for them.

  • joshua

    I didn’t like reading until I read your books. then I can’t stop reading,your books are ausome and can’t wait to read your book it is going to be great.

  • Christopher Blake Elrod

    Dear Mr. Smith

    Hi Mr. Smith I love your books I have read all of your children books there awesome. My most favorite series is Cryptid Hunters. It was the best book I have ever read in my life. What I really want to know is if wolf gets Grace back from Blackwood. It would be really awesome if they made them into movies. And is Bo and PD going to be in the third book.I was really wondering if you could come to my school. It’s Buffalo Point Elementary school it’s in Syracuse,Utah.

    From Christopher Blake Elrod

  • Erin

    I can’t wait to get the third book!
    I was so upset when I missed you coming to Apex Middle; i was getting stupid retainers.

  • Abby

    You are an incredible writer! I just finished Tentacles, despite having to share the book with my friend Cal. He hasn’t finished the book yet, but I know the ending will kill him (he can’t stand cliff hangers, which is why he’s been bugging me about this book for a week now) I can’t wait to hear about the third book. Any idea when it will come out?

  • Nikolay

    Please make shur that they come out somtime this year(including the 3rd book of I.Q which was awsome also) becase i hate cliffhangers in which you have to wait for like a year…

  • Hunter

    I just got done reading both cryptid hunters and tentacles and i loved them cant wait tell the sequel comes out.

  • Jesus

    Boy did i love both tentacles and cryptid hunters they kept me reading the entire time i didnt want to put the book down i really loved them 😀

  • Michael

    hey i just finished tentacles a few seconds ago and i loved it! so when do you think the sequal will come out? tell us ahead of time! and also in the sequal you should have it where wolfe is looking for the loch ness monster and he runs into noah and grace in scotland because noah is building an international ark in scotland and they battle it out for the cryptid and garce! also what does wolfe do with the cryptids once he catches them i mean is he gonna open a cryptid zoo cause that would be epic! so if you do take my ideas and use some of them i would be greatful but if not you could right a 4th book and use them then or you could throw them away either way i am just sayit would be cool so cant wait for the sequal and hope to see my ideas in there!

  • Katy

    I am soo excited you are making a prequel to tentacles…. I havn’t read Crytid Hunters yet but I am going to now!

  • roland Post author

    Actually “Cryptid Hunters” is the first book, “Tentacles” is the second, and I’m working on the sequel, which will be the third.

  • grace

    hello i loved your books i cant wait till the third one comes out when does it come out???? i hope soon

  • Bailey

    I hope he has sent it to the publisher. That means his is one step closer to releasing the third book!!

  • Bailey S.

    When will the third book for “Cryptid Hunters” and “Tentacles” be out. I have read theses two many times and really want the next one to came out. They were good books but after you read them a couple of times and know what is going to happen they start to get boring.

  • bob

    roland smith, ive read almost all your books (just finish tentacles and loved it.) and is about to start peak. I havent even looked at the 1st page yet… I hope its as good as all your others. And out of all your books, this cryptid series is my favorite. Plz continue the series with a ton more books. btw we are friends on fb. thnks

  • nico

    how far are you in writing the third cryptid hunters book? halfway? almost done? barely started?

  • David Grez

    I just finished it it took me two hours I read it for a book review and loved it can’t wait for the next one mean while Im going to read Crypitd hunters thanz for ur work

  • GusBarksdale

    LOVED Tentacles! But I read it before Criptid Hunters. I am going to read Criptid Hunters and then read Tentacles again. Hopefully by then, you will come out with the third!
    I can’t wait!
    My birthday is November 30, just like you and Mark Twain, but mine is in 2000.

    Your Reader,

  • charles

    I loved the book and hope to read the next one in the series soon. ( I finished it in one day, but going to re-read it!)