Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Jack

    I made a mistake about that being funny. But it’s ok, because everybody makes mistakes. 🙂

  • Alex

    you’re my role model. I love your books. Especcially Cryptid hunters and Tentacles. I read them both so much the spines are gone. I LOVE EM! CAnt wait for teh 3rd book!

  • Isaiah

    Just went to borders and found out there was a sequel 😀 Gonna be a third too! so happy and love your work!

  • Nikolay

    Are you asked the same question 300 times a day (when will the 3rd book come out) well when will it come out , im sorry that is 301 times lol

  • sami

    Hey Roland:)
    I have read and O own Both of your books so far and i cant wait for the third one! I heard a rumor it would be out in august. Is that true? My birthday is in august and that would be the best present ever!!! I usualy dont read small books like yours but i just love your writing style so much i had to keep reading!!! Please finish soon:)

  • sami

    i think a movie for these books would be GREAT!!!! but they would probally mess up the books up bc they are so great to begin with:)

  • Joey

    Is their going to be a 3rd IQ book? If yes when? I just finished the 2nd book and need to know what happens. I love the iq series!

  • brandon kilzer

    just sayn i think u should add some southern country but do what u thinks best by nomeans am i a writer

  • Jack

    I think that if over 999,999,999 people think that the series should be a made into movies, they should make the series into movies.

  • Nick

    I cannot wait for Chupacabra, or whatever it is called! Tentacles was super-great, and I think that the next book will be even better. I just finished Tentacles, and am about to re-read Cryptid Hunters.

    I hope the best for you Mr. Smith! I still have the notes I took from when you Skype-visited my school earlier this year! You are my favorite author, and I have read a lot of books, so that really means something!

    (Please ignore the exclamation-mark abuse above.)


  • Steph Rose

    I love Roland Smiths books! I was so relieved when I heard there was another book coming out due to the cliffhanger ending. I have always been a bookworm but my little sister has never really liked reading until I introduced her to Roland Smith books. She now loves reading!(Thank you Roland!)I’ve read Elephant Run several times over. I’ve read Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles twice each. I recently finished the IQ series in a span of twenty-four hours. I love these books and I can’t seem to put them down because of the adventure, cleverness, and comedy. Thank you Roland Smith!

  • Anthony

    You know what stinks? When you read 4 books in a row with no sequel that leaves you at a HUGE cliff hanger. Justkeep writing though cause thisisreally good butI CAN’T WAIT!

  • Grace

    i think your books are really cool and you should make a movie i know a to of people have probally asked you this but when is the third book coming out

  • AJ

    I just finished reading tentacle, by the way it was fantastic, and can not wait for the third and the rest that follow it!

  • Sabrina

    I’ve read Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles too many times to count! I finally convinced my mom and brother to read the series. My mom read both books in a few days and my brother is in the middle of Cryptid Hunters right now. I wish book 3 would come out October or November this year since there are four other books I’ve been waiting for coming out in that time frame. I don’t want to wait ANOTHER year!

  • roland Post author

    I wish it was out too! Unfortunately I had to finish some other books first. CHUPACABRA will be out September 2012.

  • Jessica

    I started reading your books in third grade. I’m going into seventh now an have read every single one of them. The first of your books I read was crypted hunters which spurred my obsession with cryptids. In 5th grade I wrote a speech on sasquach and i won our school competition. I’ve always wondered, how you became interested in cryptids? I can’t wait for all your upcoming books ecspessially chubacabra. Also are you going to do a book tour for it? If so are you coming to FL. It would be amazing to see you 🙂

  • Art

    Mr. Smith,

    I have read almost every book in the libray, well kid and teen, and u r one of my favorite autors. I relly enjoy the mix of ficton and science. Not enough books do that. U must do a fair amount of resarch. And i love how round your characters are. Wish u could come to my school 0.o i like all ur books. Wish i could meet u. could u reply to my email?

  • roland Post author

    Yep I do a fair amount of research. In fact, sometimes it takes me twice as long to do the research than it does to write the book.

  • roland Post author

    I grew up in Oregon, which is Big Foot country. So I guess you could say that I’ve been interested in cryptids my whole life. Although, I’ve never actually seen a cryptid.

  • jess weber

    i love ur books, i enjoy ur charaters and how the sibling get along. u dont see that very often. im excited to read ur next books. i hope they make these books into movies, and do a good job o it. i own both in this series i have to say there one of my favorite books.

  • Alaska

    Sure your not done with the third book yet? Just can’t wait!!! Have read and reread each one. Give us a preview will you. Or tell us how far along the book is. It would be best just to work on the Cryptid Hunters Series they are the GREATES!!!

  • Meg-Anne

    I finished Tentacles in a day LAST year… Now, I totally on the edge of my chair (literally) waiting for the next book!

  • Henry

    I loved both books. I finished reading through them again in two days i can’t wait for the new book so full of excitement >.< what will grace do when she arrives at the ark? No one will know until this new book in your amazing series is out.

  • Jacob Wolfe Dittemore

    That is seriously my middle name. I found it an amazing thing to share a name with Wolfe from both books. Anyways, I CAN’T wait for the next book in the series to come out! Hopefully it does soon, cause I can’t stand to wait any longer!

  • bridgett fawcett

    i just finished tentacles very good i cant wait till the sequil will it come out in 2011 i hope so 🙂