Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Jacob

    Me and my friend love your books and we love the cryptid hunter series. I finished Tentacles just today, by the way the most exciting book i’ve ever read. Me and him are spending the night tomorrow and thats all were going to talk about. LOVE YOUR BOOKS. I’m going to read elephant run than if the the 3 cryptid Hunters book comes out:}

  • Jacob

    Me and my friend love your books and we love the cryptid hunter series. I finished Tentacles just today, by the way the most exciting book i’ve ever read. Me and him are spending the night tomorrow and thats all were going to talk about. LOVE YOUR BOOKS. I’m going to read elephant run than if the the 3 cryptid Hunters book comes out i’ll read it!!!!!!!! :}

  • Ashlynn

    Oh my god tentacles was like the best book ever! I loved it so much I would pay anything to get the unpublished manuscript of the next book.

  • Dino deRaad

    I have read your book cryptid hunters about 9 times, and was waiting for a sequel for a long time. So I read tentacles on my plane trip to Switzerland, and i really loved it. Hope the next book will come soon!

  • Maddy

    Yeaaaaah I can’t wait for the sequel to “Tentacles” I read “Tentacles” in 1 day and it went by way to fast. Hopefuly the next book comes out fast. I have read almost all you,re books and so far my favorites are “Tentacles” and “Cryptid Hunters”. Get writing before I die of anticipation. I wish that everyone could see how delicious you,re books are!

  • Anne

    My 13-year-old son & I enjoyed “Cryptid Hunters” immensely, and I’ve just finished “Tentacles,” while he’s still reading it. These books are great for kids and adults alike! We think this series would make a great movie or two–I’m surprised the first one hasn’t yet been made into one. Are there plans for a movie?

  • Justin

    At the end of cryptid hunters #1 u left us with the subject for the next book are you going to have a preview soon p.s I love the series

  • Savannah

    I’m so excited for the sequel to Tentacles! I was kind of sad though when I finished Tentacles because of the way it ended but when I heard that there was going to be a third, I was happy again. Thanks for all the great books! Looking forward to more!!! 🙂

  • Brennen

    I can’t wait until the 3rd book comes out I really want to know if Marty’s parents survived. I’m almost done with Tentacles. I have 21 pgs. left.

  • Diana

    WOW!! Tentacles was awesome!! I started and finished it today – couldn’t put it down!! I’m a 4th/5th grade Reading teacher and love your books!! I plan to have my kids do an author study on you this spring! Thanks for all the wonderful books!!

  • Kyle

    Hmm, so the cryptid hunters have been to Africa and Austraila, I think that they should dock while they are near New Zealand and attempt to discover the Waitoreke while saving Grace. This is just a suggestion.

  • Samuel

    Cryptid hunters and Tentacles was great! i finished them in 3 hrs together and those were AWESOME! Can’t w8 for the 3rd book! PS: I wish Noah is killed in the third book and get grace, the hatchlings all back wif Butch and those Ark ppl in PRISON!

  • Taylor

    I cannot wait until the third one comes out i finnished Tentacles in just three days… Ihad to read on my lap so my teachers would not see me reading during class! of course i read it during and after lunch! it was very very good!

  • Julia

    I just finished reading Tentacles minutes ago, and immediately went online to make sure a third book was going to come out. I sat and read strait through Tentacles all this afternoon and could not put it down! I can’t wait for the next book!!!!

  • Karena

    Wonderful books! EVERYONE in our family loves to read your books. It’s great to see kids (and adults) so excited about reading. Keep up the writing and we’ll keep reading!

  • Rhiannon

    hey Roland,
    your visiting my school,Belleiveiw middle, in a few weeks and my librarian, ms.lehew, says she is looking foward to meeting you again and i am too. and i have a few ideas for you! 🙂

  • kristofer

    i read cryptid huntes when i was 5 and now i just finished tenticles and i turnerd 11 yesterday.

    i thoght it was very good but a huge clif hanger and cant wait til next book.

  • Brennan

    I love Cryptid hunters. I havent read Tentacles yet because I just read that you wrote it. Your books are amazing. Ive read Cryptid Hunters 3 times so far. I would have it read more but i keep losing it among the rest of my books. You are deffinitly a better writer than Lemony Snicket and tied with J.K. Rowling. The use of the Chupacabra and the coelacanth were cool i dont really know much about the coelacanth but chupacabras are always cool.

  • Emily

    I loved this book it was amazing!!!!! I haven’t read Cryptid Hunters yet but now a I am going to have to. I hope the next book comes out soon, and good work!

  • Mrs. Jerry's Class

    Mr. Smith,
    We have been hooked on your writing all year. Thanks again for the visit. We enjoyed getting to know you here at Greenbrier Eastside Elementary. We have just finished reading Tentacles and are anxiously awaiting the sequel. Please hurry! There are many questions left unanswered!!!!!

  • Carmen

    I first fell in love with Marty, Grace, Wolfe, and his merry band of pirates back in ’05 when I bought Cryptid Hunters. Cryptid Hunters was great– as soon as I finished, I knew it would be my favorite book for a long time. And I was right. It still is. So, when I found out about Tentacles, I bought it as fast as possible and finished it as soon as I could. And Tentacles definitely wasn’t a disappointment! However, it did end rather abruptly so I’m happy to see that you plan on writing a third book. And finally, I’ll end this comment by saying thank you, Mr. Smith, for providing readers such as myself with great reading material!

  • kyle

    hey roland u should make a sequal and a prequal as well like about wen rose and wolfe were in the congo all the books u rite are always awesome 🙂

  • Liz

    Gee I cant wait for the next book! I need to keep myself buisy so i dont think about how much i want to read the next book, so i bought a huge Sherlock Holmes book, but i dont think that will keep me buisy enough. I absulutly love Wolfe, hes my fave character! I ended up reasing tentacles before crytid hunters, and when i found out that they used to think grace was martys twin, i litaraly slapped myself! KEEP RIGHTING AWESOME BOOKS!

  • Kyle Pauly

    I finished both your books in under a week and I couldn’t stop reading usually I takes me a few weeks, but I really got in to it I can’t wait for the next book.

  • Megan

    I just finished Tentacles, great thriller and sequel to Cryptid Hunters, and when I finished I was nearly jumping out of my seat. It was a great book, fast-paced thriller, and the best cliffhanger I have and will ever read or see. TENTACLES ROCKS!!!

  • Tiffany

    I can’t wait for all the following books to this series. I absolutely loved Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles. These are two of the best books I’ve ever read, and that’s not just because I’m obsessed with Cryptozoology. Please hurry with the sequels, I can’t wait………..

  • Andrew

    plz write the 3rd book because i am dying to fnd out wht happens. i havent read any books since the last 3 months and i need another book 2 read