Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Nina

    I LOVED cryptid hunters and tentcles. They make my top ten in my LONG list of books i have read this year. It’s right under Eclipse in the twilight saga. My teacher recommened it to me and i read them right after I’ve finished Breaking dawn. I had been thinking after the four books in the twilight saga there can’t be a better book. I was so close to being wrong. I couldn’t put it down one night i fell asleep after reading it for at least two hours (I had had a really tiring day). I’m waiting unpatiently for the third book which i will buy the first day it comes out as long as the second I.Q book. GO ROLAND SMITH!!!!!!

  • Anna

    OMG! I found Cryptid Hunters in my attic while I was going thru old books, and I started the first chapter and couldn’t put it down! I had to force myself to stop reading at 11 at night and finished early the next morning! I’m hoping to get Tentacles soon, otherwise I don’t know WHAT I’ll do!

  • Angelica

    this helps. i finished Cryptid Hunters and i’m in the middle of Tentacles. cant wait for the third book. will they be hunting the Yeti?

  • Chas

    Thank you. I sent you an email earlier before I saw this. Still respond. I love your books. Your writing style is unique.

  • ameer

    i love tentacles i read it befor cryptid hunter bu there was so much detail i figured it out i just finshed the bok yesterday i want to know the 3rd book

  • Grayce Jackson

    I personally not a big reader. But when I checked out Tentalcles at my school library I was hooked. I suggest it to everyone! Then I checked out Elephant Run and once again I was hooked! Roland Smith books are like the only books I read now! Thanks Roland!!!

  • roland Post author

    Thank you! But you need to read other author’s books too. There are some great books out and I’d hate to see you miss them.

  • arizona

    i love the book sasquatch in my school we are reading it and i love it i never know whats going to happen in the next chapter its really AMAZING!!! i cant wait until you come to our school roland !!! <3

  • rebekah smith

    i’m glad you are thinking of writing a second book! After reading just one of your books i set out to read all your fiction books and have almost completed that task. you are doing a great job. can’t want for the thrid book.

  • kyra

    i just finished cryptid hunters a couple weeks ago, i just finished tentacles afew minutes ago.I love your books!It’s 12:00 at night and i had to check if there was a sequel!I was up at 2:00AM yesterday reading that too!I LOVE YOUR BOOKS YOUR MY 2ND FAVE AUTHOR NOW!!!!keep on writing roland!!!<3

  • Hector

    Hi Roland. You one of my fav authors on my best 5 authors list. Which is very hard to get on. I luv Tetancles and Cryptid Hunters. I have both of them. Any chance you can come to my school?

  • Garrett

    This one of the best series I have ever read I just finished tentacles which I though was awesome and let me say their are few books that leaves me worried for the characters and these do.

  • Kayley(NotTimeOfTheUsualKat)

    Cool book, the third book is bound to boogle my head and make the teachers call my name a couple of times before they relize I’m lost in reading a good book. Have fun writing your next book.

  • Jack

    I loved Cryptid Hunters and thought that it was great. Then I read Tentacles and thought Cryptid Hunters stunk compared to Tentacles because Tentacles is such a great book. They are both great. Do you have any idea when the third book is coming out? A lot of people would love to know so they can get their hands on a copy before they get sold out (which we all know is going to happen). I wasn’t a big reader but Tentacles got me snagged on your books (no pun intended).

  • Erin

    hey mr. smith i am 14 and sooo interested in your books, i’ve even got my little brother started on them and he’s so into them it drives me nuts!! im waiting patiently(sort of!!) for the third book if you’ll kindly send me an email when it comes out, i’ll travel the globe to find one! thanks so much im a huge fan!!! xx
    Erin ;p the date is march 17 2010

  • Elisha

    Hi, im just reading cryptid hunters now and so far its great! will u ever have a movie made of it?

  • chance

    I finished cryptid hunters and tentacles the first week I got them. Man are they page turners. I cant wait till the next book., Chance

  • juan

    i just finished crypyid hunters and im going to read tentacles and it already is a good book i hope you keep them books comeing

  • Corynn C.

    I have suggested Cryptid hunters,and tentacles to all my friends and even some teachers and they all have loved it.

    when i found tentacles at the book store i screamed and threw my hands up in the air and did a little happy dance

  • Lindsay

    I read Cryptid hunters and LOVED it. I went to a book fair with my best friend and to my delight, I found out there was a sequel! I was shocked with the ending of Tentacles. I swear these books are real cliff hangers. I can’t put them down! I am really looking forward to the third book! I hope this series gets made into a movie!

  • n/a

    hurry up & write the 3rd book of the cryptid hunter series,.. tentacles was amazing, and i wanna see wat happens

  • nikki donofrio

    i just finished tentacles and i absolutly loved it! it is my favorite book besides cryptid hunters! your a genious, and please come out with the third book soon! thanks(: !!

  • Kingslee

    I finished crytid hunters in 4 days and im looking for tentacles cant wait for the 3 book and the upcoming cryptid books

  • Waleed

    i LOVE this book at first i didn’t read it because i hadn’t read the first one after i found in my library.i can

  • SS

    I finished Tentacles not even 10 minutes ago. Why must you tease me like this?! The book just left me hanging, so I came here to see if there’s gonna be a sequel. I’m excited for it.

  • austin

    cryptid hunters and tentacles are my favorite books. when i finished cryptid hunters and tentacles i new i wanted to read the next book. I have tried many different authors and your my favorite.will luther be in the next book after tentacles?

  • Jackson Abell

    Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles are 2 of my most favorite books in the WORLD all I can think about at school is the next book and I’m so into cryptids and you are a great author some titles I’ve thought of seem pretty good like Feater Storm about the mothman or Prints about bigfoot for more Cryptid books I hope you like the ideas maybe they could be in one of the books

  • Bubsaroni

    Epic ftw i am just about thru with this book and i have to say that I NEED THE NEXT ONE PLEASE HURRY!! Yayz


  • Heather

    i loved this book it took me 2 days to finish. but i have to admit that i thought you were a evil evil man for that clif hanger you pulled but i forgive you and i am happy to know there will be a third book 😀 😀 😀

  • Jack

    I also read Tentacles before Cryptid Hunter, both books are amazing!!! I can’t wait for the third book!

  • Olivia S

    I read Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles as a book study and loved them. I’m waiting for the sequel, but for now I’ll read another one of your books.

  • Caroline

    I bought Tentacles at a sholastic book fair at my school not even knowing there was a first book. So I read it and not until a few days ago did I check out Cryptid Hunters at my school library. So I finished that book in two days then went back to Tentacles. I feel so stupid becaus I had totally forgotten that Theo was Ted. I think Ted would have to be my fav. charcter then Luther. Anyway can’t WAIT for the 3rd book!!

  • Cole

    hah i love the cryptid hunters serie and its ironic that i just finished the book tonight and i also found outyour doing an author visit to my school, i got WEster middle school, look forward to seeong u in person,

  • Bayli Gromer

    I finished cryptid hunters and it left my mind in a whirl. I was always thinking, what will happen next? Then my librarian (mrs. Svec) told me there was another book. I ran to the book shelf she directed me to. I finished it in 1 day. It was the best book ive read in a long time. And thats saying something, because i am the type of person that if u give me a book, i will devour it. haha, please come out with book #3 soon. and i think u should make like 12 or more books in the series… I cant stop thinking about what will happen… i guess i will have to make up my own ending… for now.