Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Kingsley

    Ifinished cryptid hunters in 3 days and tentacles in 4 days and i read the first book 2 times cant wait 4 the next 1

  • Katie

    Dear Mr. Roland,

    I have just finished Cryptid Hunters and I already feel like Grace and Marty are real. I am looking forward to reading Tenticles.

  • Daniel

    when will it be book 3 be out I want to read it so bad my teacher made me read tentacles and I was hooked but sadly I found out I was reading the sequal right now im reading crypted hunters and it is awsome im gona be done realy soon cant wait till book 3 is out I just want to read it so bad

  • Erika

    I realy could not believe they were such good books! I was recomended Cryptid Hunters by one of my teachers, and finished both books in 2 days!!! I hope the third is as good as the others.
    Don’t lose your spark,

  • Erika

    I have nothing to read right now since I am waiting for #3, so what book of yours would you suggest?

    please answer soon,

  • Jordan

    I just finished tentacles and it was great!!!!!!!!!! Iv’e also read all of the other book’s buy you and cant wait for the next book
    i loved elaphant run but tentacles was the best in my opinion

    great book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bayli Gromer

    sasquatch was a really good book, erika. I dont wanna give away any secrets, but just beleive me, if u like tentacles and cryptid hunters, u’ll like this.

  • Jacob

    I might think the title could be-
    that might be good because blackwood thinks they’re dead and stuff.

  • Erika

    I need to applaud you Mr. Smith as well as every other writer out there. I realy do not understand how you can think of such a good plot, and tie in little things in there such as all the stories within the one story.For example:one is how Wolfe got the Island and another is the missing grandma(I think that will be important in future books). I know for a fact I could most probably never write as well as you can.
    Keep writing(I need the books)!,

  • Ryan

    I love your books Mr.smith. I’ve read cryptid hunters, teticales, thunder cave, jaguar, last lobo and am currently reading sasquatch. I have been really hoping the sequal to last lobo and the sequal to tentacles come out soon. Cant wait

    your friend, Ryan

  • Erika

    I am extremely curious, and want to know which book is your favorite and which book you had the most fun in creating!
    I would appreciate a solid answer although I would imagine that would be hard to do since you have made so many novels.

  • roland Post author

    I don’t send a book into be published unless I like it. I don’t have a favorite. The are like my children. That’s the truth.

  • chum-bi

    um i can’t wait for the next book i finshed cryptid hunters and tentacles in 4 days!Hurry i’m dying to find out what happens.:-)

  • Savannah

    You are an awesome writer! I love all of your books, and I’ve read all of them too! Write faster! I can’t wait.

  • Bryce

    and tentacles was way better than elephant run and cryptid hunters in my opinion.
    PS i accidentally started to read cryptid hunters. i was looking for a different book and accidentally picked up the book. i got home and i saw the cover and thoughtgr eat a nerd book(b4 i read the book i thought the entire everything in the book would be complicated) then i started reading and FELL into the books plot story and everything!

  • Vamshi

    vamshi says
    I thought any long book was boring but when I read th cryptid hunters,I wanted to tentacles and I read it and Iwant to read the third book

  • hannah says

    I am still reading tentacles, but it is sooooo good. I read cryptid hunters and loved it. hope the third book comes out soon. my friend said the series was good and told me there was a sequel. i hadn’t really thought about reading your books before until i saw criptid hunters! i read peak too. i am want to be a writer like you.can’t wait to finish tentacles and sometime read the third book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!