Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Kyla

    I really loved both Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles. They are both amazing and the perfect books for me! I think that they should both be made into movies! I cant wait until the next book comes out. I really love this series!

  • Mm

    I loved the first two books I finished them both in one night I just was wondering when you were going to publish the third one in some of the recent comments it said you would publish it sooner then you did the second but that was a while back so do you know a time frame for the third book

  • Julia

    Your books are amazing!! Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles are my very very favorite! I can’t express how good they are, the chracters are real-to-life, and the plot is so perfect! Which chracters are your favorite? Mine are Grace, Laurel Lee, and Marty. I’ll definatly be one of the first fans who will be reading the next book! I’ve been inspired by your great stories and written two on my own books! Now I love to write! Keep up the fantastic work!

  • roland Post author

    I will give you the publication date as soon as I know it. I’m glad to hear you like the first two. While you’re waiting I hope you get a chance to read my other novels. I think you’ll like them.

  • rober patterson

    I haven’t read tenticles yet; but I’ve read cryptid hunters 3 times and i cant put it down. I’m looking forword to reading both.

  • Colby

    I am very glad to see that there will be more books coming up.I just finished tentacles,and you are my new favorite author.I cant wait too see if Marty’s parents are found and what happens to the squid.I find cryptids fascinating so this book is very interesting to me.

  • Michael

    Dear Roland Smith,

    I think you will make a good series for Cryptid Hunters.I have read them twice.Tentacles ends with Noah Blackwood taking Grace.So I am thinking that’s how the third book will start.I am also wondering if you can make a movie for the series? I am aslo wondering if you know when the thrid book will be realsed.I wondering if Marty manages to find his way into the Quonset Hut.You are the best author ever!!What inspired you to write books?Please do your best!!!

  • brandon orndoff

    Ok I have read the last lobo, Jaguar, jacks run, zachs lie, big foot, tentacles, cryptic hunters, I,Q, and elephant run, peak if there are many more I have probably read them and forgot their names but I can’t find thunder cave any where. I like other authors, like Louisa mae alcott, Lewis lowry, Louis sachar, Gary paulsen, Henry mazer, etc. but you are the best it only takes me about 1 day to read 2 books I read whatever is under “smith” in two libraries from schools and what I find in a books
    stores it doesn’t matter the cost I buy them. I am running out though, I need to look harder. My favorites are tied between the Jaguar series and the cryptic hunters series, I also like how you tied jack Lansa when he came back from the Jaguar preserve helping his father, into tentacles it kinda showed the time period and how two adventures tied together even if it was only 4 pages long. Very clever. I don’t even read much but whenever I see one of your books I pick it up and read it cover to cover.

  • brandon orndoff

    Right now tentacles is in my hand because I am finishing the series…for the seventh time.

  • brandon orndoff

    HIS BOOKS ARE FINE… I know the movie would be awesome but having books this good alone are a rare kind of mutacle

  • Matthew

    Dear Roland,

    I love to read your books!

    I can’t wait to read your next book!

    I like how you keep the reader entertained by adding more and more problems to the story!

  • Austin A.

    Dear Roland smith I am 14 and just finished reading tentacles and let me start off by saying the cryptid hunters books are amazing and I am desperately waiting for another and I would like to know if luther will be in the next book and I know u have gotten this question alot but do u know if it will be coming out this year or 2012 thx. Your no. 1 fan Austin Ahmed

  • Austin A.

    Can you tell me if Luther is in the next book and work fast what if the world ends and I don’t get to read the book… Just kidding thank you so much for answering my questions

  • Tommy

    Hey Roland, I just wanted to say that your books are simply amazing! I also wanted to ask if you’ve ever thought about making a movie? Any ways, get back to me through my email and i will definatly be at that movie along with the rest of my friends that i’ve borrowed the books to;).

  • Keenan

    Hi, I’m one of your BIGGEST FANS!!!!! I’m twelve years old and Cryptid Hunters is far by my #1 favorite book. It was Cryptid Hunters that got me so interested in cryptids. I read Tentacles in about three days and it was just as good as the first. I’d like to know if you’ll be bringing in any new cryptids for the new book like Sasquatch, Mothman, Thunderbird, live plesiosaurs, etc.

  • mia

    i read tentacles before cryptid hunters and i was really confused. then i found out my older brother had cryptid hunters and i read that then i read tentacles. you have to read cryptid hunters before you read tentacles or else you’ll get really confused. i love these two books and cant wait for the thirs on to come out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jack

    Hi Roland! I finished Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles, but I read Tentacles before I knew Crypted Hunters was out. Anyway,those books are awesome! It’s so cool how you put
    all of this information in your books with so much action! Right now I’m reading Thunder Cave. I’m up to chapter twenty-four
    and it’s awesome! But the Cryptid Hunter books are my favorite so far. I need another to keep me going. πŸ™‚

  • joshua

    I finished the book too and can’t wait until the next book comes out in stors . also I need to know if wolf gets grace back. will he?

  • brandon orndoff

    Wait and read the book part of a good book is.you don’t know what happens if you read the last chapter first the book becomes boring and you will rather have read it right just wait and see what happens it’ll say in the book

  • Tyler

    hi, we are reading Cryptid Hunters for our Literature class and we all loved it. And a lot of people including me have finished early, and next we read Tentacles before anyone else so yeah we all cant wait till the sequel come out πŸ™‚

  • Thomas Hall

    WOW!!!!!!!!!! I am probably one of your biggest fans, I keep on hoping to see a notice on the internet. When I first read Cryptid Hunters I couldn’t put it down, and now there is going to be a third book? What Other author writes with such precision? no one!

  • joshua

    well I guess your right, but I still can’t wait until the book comes out to findout.I’ll bet it’s going to be a realy great book just like the last two.

  • Austin A.

    Hey Roland I loved cryptid hunters and tentacles they are definatly my fav books I have just one question can u tell me if Luther is in the next book

  • a reader


  • Luke

    OH MY GOD! I read cryptic hunters and tentacles right after the other and am sitting on eggshells fir the third one to come out!! Such a good book! Please hurry on the third one! πŸ™‚