Yearly Archives: 2009

Two Texas Scools

Left Nacogdoches early this morning for Central Junior High in Pollok, Texas and the lovely librarian Carol Maples. In the afternoon I was at Hudson Middle School in Lufkin with the kind librarian Kim England. Thank you Carol and Kim for working so hard to get my way early! After […]

McMichael 2

I’m back in Nacogdoches, Texas today at McMichael Middle school. Unusually warm here. It’s so hot and humid the cars are sweating. I managed to get a bit of writing in last night and early this morning, but not nearly enough. I did take a few minutes off yesterday to […]

Woden Texas

I’m at Woden Jr. High today (That’s pronounced Whoa-dun) with librarian Susan Harrison. A small country school with a bit over 100 students. It’s great fun, and a luxury, to speak to small groups like this. The students were enthusiastic, polite, and had great questions. They had an old fashion […]

Texas Origami 5

Beautiful four hour drive yesterday afternoon from Copperas Cove to Nacogdoches. I’ve spent a lot of time in Texas, but not in this area. I don’t associate trees with the Lone Star State, but there are plenty along Hwy 7 when you get to Davy Crockett National Forest. It reminded […]

S. C. Lee Junior High School

Today I’m at S. C. Lee Junior High School in Copperas Cove, Texas, which is about two hours north of Austin. But it took me three hours because I got lost! Hotel Clerk: How may I help you? Me: Hi, I’m a guest and I’m lost. Clerk: Where are you? […]


Touch & Go they called it years ago when I was getting my pilot’s ticket. You’d come in for a landing, and as soon as the gears touched down, you applied full throttle and took off again. That’s what today feels like… Home late Friday, errands, laundry, repacking Saturday, then […]

Out of Orlando

But not before we listen to an outstanding Irish fiddler, proving once again that this city has a wee bit of everything, including a Starbucks in the hotel lobby that opens at 6AM, for which I was very grateful. And speaking of Starbucks… I read an article a couple of […]

Friend’s at F.A.M.E.

Below is a photo of Marie and our dear friend Joan McClelland. I visited Joan’s school here in Florida a few years ago. While I was there I told her that Marie and I were working on an ocean alphabet book. Joan said that her husband, Scott, was an oceanographer. […]

F.A.M.E. Session

I told this great group of libraians and teachers (pictured below) that I could post something in my journal as I was talking to them. To prove my point, and skill at multi-tasking (ha!), and the fact that I have an iPhone, and that I know how to use the […]

The Everest Ornament 1

I know it’s a bit early for Christmas, but I had to share this little gem… The wonderful Cecelia Solomon, one of our hosts at the F.A.M.E. conference, put together “custom” welcome baskets for the authors. In mine was “The Everest Ornament” made (and signed) by Jeff Clapp. Inside the […]