On The Road Again

On The Road Again

Woden Texas

I’m at Woden Jr. High today (That’s pronounced Whoa-dun) with librarian Susan Harrison. A small country school with a bit over 100 students. It’s great fun, and a luxury, to speak to small groups like this. The students were enthusiastic, polite, and had great questions. They had an old fashion […]

Texas Origami 5

Beautiful four hour drive yesterday afternoon from Copperas Cove to Nacogdoches. I’ve spent a lot of time in Texas, but not in this area. I don’t associate trees with the Lone Star State, but there are plenty along Hwy 7 when you get to Davy Crockett National Forest. It reminded […]


Touch & Go they called it years ago when I was getting my pilot’s ticket. You’d come in for a landing, and as soon as the gears touched down, you applied full throttle and took off again. That’s what today feels like… Home late Friday, errands, laundry, repacking Saturday, then […]

Out of Orlando

But not before we listen to an outstanding Irish fiddler, proving once again that this city has a wee bit of everything, including a Starbucks in the hotel lobby that opens at 6AM, for which I was very grateful. And speaking of Starbucks… I read an article a couple of […]

FAME Conference 2

For our friends attending the F.A.M.E. (Florida Association for Media in Education) conference in Orlando, below are Marie’s and my speaking and signing schedules. You’ll have to check the conference program for exact room locations, but these are the times. Hope to see you there! Marie’s Schedule: Wednesday, September 30th: […]

Talawanda Middle School

Leaving Oxford, Ohio today… Yesterday afternoon I did a taped television interview with Jay Kimieck, the Associate Director of the Miami University Partnership Office, the wonderful organization the brought me here for the Sandy Hormell Book Celebration. Last night I did a well attended public presentation at the university, followed […]

Travel Day 3

I’m headed east to Oxford, Ohio this morning. A short trip for me. I’ll be back Friday. And I promise I won’t go into this much detail in future posts because I usually fly someplace every week. To repeat this every time I fly someplace to speak would be really […]