Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • amy

    I read the first one, Cryptid Hunters, for a school contest and I loved it! I just finished Tentacles and you left us off at a cliffhanger, god I love cliffhangers… (how much books are there going to be in the series?)

  • Bucket Head

    Hi Roland. I just finished cryptid hunters and tentacles for the forth time in 6 months with 6 books in-between. Please hurry up writing the next books because the suspense is about to drive me crazy!

  • wayland

    hi roland i am 11 years old and just finished Cryptid Hunters and am about to read Tentacles i really enjoyed your book.Looking forward to #3

  • Sophie

    omg i loooooooveddd both books!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT ONES COME OUT!!!!!!!! (:

  • Madison

    Hi Roland Smith. I love all the books you have written. I can’t wait to read the third book and hopefully more, I’m only eleven, but those books are definately a page turner, Did you just think of this interesting stuff or have you already been thinking about it before you even write them, Cant wait till the third book, you are definately my favorite author of all time!

  • Anonymous

    I love Tentacles and Cryptid Hunters more than the world! I need books like that more than air and water! You know, I actually cried when I found out I had to wait for a sequel! My copy of Tentacles still has teardrops on it. Waiting for the next book will be the hardest thing I have ever done. Viva Cryptid Hunters! Long live Travis Wolfe and the amazing creatures he seeks!

    Signed, A MASS fan!!!

    P.S.- If I don’t get a definite date of release for Cryptid Hunters Book 3, I will have a heart attack and die!

  • Madison

    I know I Cant wait for the other book, I just finished reading it… I cried a little myself, I love that book and hope it gets here soon

  • Madison

    I know I Cant wait for the other book, I just finished reading it… I cried a little myself, I love that book series and hope the third one gets here soon

  • Reed

    Still reading Tentacles. Have to say Roland, you’re one of my favorite authors! You’re right up there with Robert C. O’Brien and Richard Adams for me. 🙂

  • jake

    your books r the best.u r by far my favorite author ever.i will buy the next book as soon as i can.u r so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.your biggest fan,jake

  • Chloe

    Ok i just read tenticals and i need to read the 3rd book.Please write it quick.Well don’t rush.
    big fan

  • grace towe

    i think the third book should have where grace and wholfe are comunicating by walkie talkies and grace is telling everything that noah is doing soo they can plan everythimg out and wolfe and grace meet again at one of noahs parks and shes like 15 or somin well i have to go i would have more ideas butt i have to go i hope you write me back roland 🙂

    ;0 😉

  • I

    Help I have a disease called ineedtoreadsmithsthirdbookidus and I will die if you don’t finish it soon!

  • silent ninja

    Roland, i love the series Crypted Hunters. I can really relate to them. i have a cousin named marty and i have blue eyes and curly hair. I cant wait for you to publish the 3rd book!

  • silent ninja

    i also chose tentacles as my project to do for my language class. I am an amazing drawer and had to draw every scene in the book. It was soooooooo much fun.

  • brandon kilzer

    hey i have an idea for u if u use it ot not its up to u but down south theres a leadgen about the parlangwoua and or the swamp ape iethere would be cool in ur book i think any way either way it will be perfect ur the best author

  • Morgan

    Love this series! I am happy to hear it will be continued. I’m sad to hear that I have to wait till NEXT FALL! I know you have many other series to work on but you left the book with a HUGE cliff hanger! I feel as if I’m on the edge of my seat wondering what happens next? So many questions to be answered. Like what will Grace find out or will Marty’s parents ever be found? So take your time so it will be great but PLEASE don’t take to long because were ( your fans ) on the edges of our seats!!!!!!!

  • kyle

    I loved tentacles and I know people don’t normaly do this but I hope you make a forth book.

  • Jacob

    i just started tentacles i am at the part ware they set sail, i just also figured out that there is a first book and i am looking forwerds to reading the first book 😉

  • Ben

    I just finished reading Cryptid Hunters for the second time and fall in love with it more and more each time I read it. I have Tentacles coming in the mail and am looking forward to continuing the quest of the Cryptos crew. Hopefully the third book will be just as good, and cone out soon! By the way, are there any plans for a movie production on the series. I think it would make a great movie and I would definitely see it in theaters and buy the DVD. Thank you for these books(and hopeful movies).

  • Tres

    have you finished your third book yet, or are you almost done? you say it will be out in 2012 is that because you still have more to write or because it is goin through the puplishers, which does it take that long to go through all the publishing stuff?

    P.S. sorry for all the questions im just curious

  • roland Post author

    I’m not done with the book yet. I’ll turn it into the publisher this Fall and next Fall (2012) it will be out.

  • Tres

    Ok thank you so it really takes a year to go through the publishers? I’ve read about 90% of your books and your my favorite auther. The cryptid hunters seies is probably my favorite although I did like zachs lie/jacks run. I have like all of the books you have made.
    Also are you working on several books at the moment or just the sequel to tentacles?

  • Austin A.

    Hi Roland im a big fan of the cryptid hunters series and I was just wondering will Luther be in the series any longer and good luck with the book I hope you finish soon

  • Jack

    I still don’t know what to believe, that it will come out in the fall of 2012, or if your not sure yet. I’m just so anxious to read the third book, so I hope that it doesn’t come out in the fall of 2012.

  • Olivia

    I want to be an author someday and you are very inspirational, to me. How can I make books better and worth being published?

  • Desirae Cox

    Loved loved loved tentacles can’t wait until third book total cliff hanger on tentacles I finished tentacles in about 2 1/2 hours maybe 2 hours

  • Ben

    Can you tell us the cryptid Wolfe and his friends will be pursuing in the third book? I personally suspect Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

  • Jennifer

    I think the majority of the third book is trying to reunite with Grace while searching for the Yeren in China. After a close rescue, the Cryptos gang manage to capture a live Yeren, despite letting Blackwood, Grace and the babies get away.

    In the fourth book, I think Wolfe will try to unravel the mysteries behind Blackwood’s creation, El Chupacabre. In the process, the Cryptos gang will resque Grace and the now juvenile baby dinosaurs, and expose Noah Blackwood for the fraud he is, with the help of Ana’s research.

    I hope you consider my idea for the fouth book, as you are probably just about done with the third. Thanks 🙂

  • Jack

    I think that it would be funny if when the baby dinosaurs were put into the bag, they became giant and started eating all of the bad guys and grace got away!! 🙂