Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles? 885

I’ve gotten a lot of email since Tentacles came out asking if there will be a third book. You’re fast readers!

The answer is yes, and there will probably be more books after the third with Grace and Marty and the Cryptos Island gang.

Next question: “When will it be out?”

Answer: “I flattered, but the ink is barely dry on Tentacles. All I can say is that it will be out a lot sooner than Tentacles appeared after the first book, Cryptid Hunters.”

Next question: “Do you know the title?”

Answer: “No. I generally don’t come up with the title until after I finish a book.”

Next question: “Do you know what happens?”

Answer: “Yes.”

Last question: “Will you tell me what happens?”

Answer: “I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the third book. Sorry.”

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885 thoughts on “Will there be a sequel to Cryptid Hunters and Tentacles?

  • Bob

    I loved cryotid hunters and tenacles. I read cryptid hunters three times in the past 12 or so hours it was so awesome. I am going to drag myself to borders the day it comes out!

  • Brianna

    I just fnished Tentacles! and I’m very eager for the next book! will it be out in 2010 or 2011? i bet its going to bring so much to the ending of Tentacles and much much more! Can’t wait!

  • John

    I love your books. I read each one in only one day. I didn’t do anything for 6 hours, I was in bed, reading! I cannot wait for the other one to come out! I hope there will be one about Nessie. Write fast, because I can’t wait!

  • Brianna

    thank you very much! I will have to reread the second book again because I will be reading the last dragon chronicles till your book is out! And that will proably cause commotion but It is ok though… nothing wrong with reading!

  • John

    I love your books. They are the best books I’ve ever read, and I read 300 books a year. Give or take 20. No kidding! Cryptid hunters and Tentacles are simply awesome! I cannot wait for the next to come out. Total cliffhanger! Write fast, Roland! I can’t wait!

  • Diana

    i love crypid hunters and tentacles. in 2012 abot what month would it come out in. i cant wait to read it!!!!!!!!!

  • martha

    my mom, would only let me 4 of yours books (Zach’s Lie, Jack’s Run, Cryptids Hunters, and Tentacles), on vacation, i read each book more than 5 times each, in the past 3 weeks. And i’m dying to know whats going to happen. Does Grace figure out who her grandmother is? Does Wolfe get Grace, and the dinosuar hatchings back, from Noah Blackwood? Does Grace figure out her really is Noah Blackwood? How suprise is Noah Blackwood, when he figures out that Wolfe and his gang are still alive? And many more questions still on my mind.

  • logan

    You are one of the few authers i know of who have two sunshine state books.

    Your are Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • roland Post author

    Glad to hear you reading on your vacation. You’ll have to wait for the 3rd Cryptid Hunter book and that won’t be for quite awhile.

  • Haley

    I love all your books! Your too good with clif hangers! It’s killing me because I want to know what happens to Marty and Grace. Both Crypted Hunters and Tentacles are my favriot books you wrote. I’m one of the fastest readers i know and I can hardly wait till the next book gets out so I can read it

  • Gavin

    dear mr.roland i love tentacles and heard cryptid hunters was amazing.i hope you answer my question……do they find roses mom?

    sincerly in the hope yull write back


  • Elijah

    Read Cryptid Hunters so many times I lost count. Easily the best book I have ever read. My friend told me about Tentacles and I read that in two days and now I have nothing to read for the rest of the summer. Both awesome book CANNOT wait till the third one comes out.

  • Daniel

    fist of all 2012 awsome i want to read the book so bad right now im killing time reading percy jackson but you can still beat rick riordan any day!

  • Tyler

    I loved reading cryptid hunters it was my favorite book.And when my school library got tentecels i burst with happines.I just got done with tentecels and i have to admitt the endig was a bit depressing so I checked google just to make sure there would be a number 3. I just can not wait for the third book to come out until then I will practically read nothing.hope the new book comes out soon.Maybe like next month hopefully.I am the biggest fan of the cryptid hunters TRIL-OGY (yay) and again can not wait for the the book to come out.And when it does withen the first three days it comes out my eyes will be planted in the book.If you ever have a book sighning i will be first in line to get the tril-ogy sighned by the person who wrote it origannaly.


    P.S. Will martys parents be found in the third book?
    P.P.S. will there be a fourth book

  • roland Post author

    There will be a 3rd, and very likely a 4th book with Marty and Grace. The 3rd book should be out in 2011. I don’t have a date yet. Stay tuned.

  • Mandy (:


    My name is Mandy and I am 11 years old! I loved each book and you are my favorite author. My question is when is the third book going to come out… I really want to know (: And what I wanted to tell you was that they should make a movie out of cryptid hunters. I would audition for the part of Grace… I have tried to contact directors but I think you have more access then me. I am an Actor/Singer. And I love to read. So Pleasee E- mail me back as soon as possible at mandy7555@gmail.com. But, I know you are very busy. Please e- mail me. And consider what I said about making Cryptid Hunters a movie.

    Mandy (: <3

  • hannah

    i don’t get why people keep asking questions that they know will be answered in the third book. or maybe a fourth.

  • Rea


    Thank you so much for just being an amazing writer! When I read your book Cryptid Hunters, I was in love. 🙂
    It always seems that the sequel to an amazing book isn’t NEARLY as good as the first one, but the is DEFENITELY not true with your series Cryptid Hunters. When I read your books,They make me feel like I’ve escaped in to another world, One filled with excitment and adventure! Marty and Grace feel like my brother and sister, the way you’ve described them make them seem so alive!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr.Smith!

    What would this universe be without the wonderful world of books?

    Your reader,

  • Erin

    hey i gotta say im kinda sad that the book wont be out till 2011 but hey itll be worth the wait i guess!
    love the books im actually rereading them now!

  • Vamshi

    vamshi:> :<:)

    will there be a movie about cryptid hunters and tentacles. I almost read every single book. Can you please answer me roland smith

  • Chris

    hey roland, know ur proly not readin this right now but i just finished tentacles like 30 seconds ago…. along with nearly every other book youve ever written(in the last month that is) in fact i just bought sasquatch today and im going to start tonight. my favorite book by you is definitly the i.q. series. a question me and my friend corey would like to know is why u keep switching between the cryptid series and the iq series, because frankly, i get confused which is which alot of times and have to read all over again.just wanted to say that that is annoying, but youre still the beastiest author ever because you connect with the readers in ways that even christopher paolini cant do. you rock, if you ever quit writing, i wont know what to do with my self. sincerely, chris

  • wonderer

    i really am looking forward to seeing what happens to grace. any hints??????????? please????? im begging you!!!!!!!!!!

  • Aaeon


  • Abel

    I’m so exited that there’s going to be a 3rd book in the series. Ive been obsessed with Cryptids for as long as I can remember and i’m dying to know which ones will be featured inthe next book!!!

  • Tony

    You, Cathrine Lasky ,and Adam Blade are my favorite author.

    You did cryptid hunters and tentacles

    Cathrine Lasky did the guardians of ga’ hoole and the wolves of beyond series

    Adam Blade did the beast quest series

    those were my favorite books and series

  • Mickey Kennedy

    I’m really happy to know that there is a sequel to tentacles coming out I read cryptid hunters like a year ago while cleaning my room got hooked on the story and bought the second so tentacles was also GREAT so can’t wait till the next book

  • Dylan De La Garza

    You came to my school in plano, texas 2 years ago to talk about your books. I actually got into cryptid hunters in the seventh grade grade and when I found out you were coming to talk to us I was pretty excited, and when I found out you had a second book I literally went to the store and bought it, no questions asked. Now i’m not really a huge reader more of a sports guy, but your series of cryptid hunters just makes you want to read more and has actually made me want to become a cryptozoologist when i get older, kinda funny but I want a thrill in my life just how you were able to travel the world. Anyway great job on the series and the 2nd book, but i actually wanted to know if they are going to make your book a movie??
    Thanks again Dylan De La Garza

  • roland Post author

    Thank Dylan. I’m delighted to hear you’re enjoying the books. There will be two more in the series, but it will be awhile before the third book comes out.